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I'm learning how to be unapologetically Steph. I'm a work in progress, but since God loves me,I'm learning to love me. Most blogs are long, I think in long forms, rather analytical. I love Jesus!

Monday, June 16, 2008


I love it when you can connect through a song. When the song can speak for you. I'm listening to the songs that I downloaded this past week and it's like they were written for the very moments that I'm going through right now. I'm very tired right now. I work 30-32 hours this weekend from Friday night to Sunday at noon 30. It was alot of work but it gave me a quite a bit of money to stash back. Enough so much that if I can do this for 3-4 more weeks I can pay off 2 more credit cards by July instead of Octoberish. I'm so jacked up right now with the way my debt reduction is coming along. My mindset has even been changed. It used to be that if I had a bit extra money I immediately wondered what I could spend it on. Now I want to save it...and I get excited by that! It amazes me what God can do to a person. I definitely am learning that His grace is enough. Moments like right now I feel like He is holding me so close because He knows where I'm at and how much of a struggle it is to keep everything together. I want to so badly. But I know I can't do it on my own. He's the one that keeps me going. The message Perry preached about Nehamiah and the wall is something that comes to my mind often. When I am so exhausted I don't think I can move another inch, I just remember that I am doing a great work and I can't come down. I can't give up. That God will strengthen my hands. All I do is ask, and He does. It's amazing. I'm learning about my Father in a way I wouldn't be able to experience if it wasn't for what I'm doing right now. Anyway. Enough for now. ~ Steph

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